Stress and Anxiety
Anxiety as an emotion tends to be limited in time and connected to a stressful situation or event, such as an interview or performance. Clinical Anxiety is far more frequent or persistent, not always connected to an obvious challenge, and impacts on their quality of life and day-to-day functioning.
Anxiety can come in many forms
Anxiety can be debilitating. It is the sensation of fear, and at times panic, that can lead to physical symptoms such as a racing heart, tightness in the chest, excessive sweating, breathlessness and feeling faint from hyperventilation. For some, anxiety about being made fun of, judged negatively by others, or becoming embarrassed, can lead to an avoidance of socialising with friends and family. For others, their fears may be specifically related to animals or insects, or being outdoors.
Sometimes there is no clear trigger, which can make the situation even more exhausting and overwhelming. For many people, anxiety develops in response to excessive worrying about anything and everything, which leads to a constant feeling of unease and discomfort.
When left untreated, anxiety disorders can worsen and become more difficult to overcome. It is important that you seek psychological intervention at the earliest convenience. Our psychologists are experienced in the treatment of a range of anxiety disorders and will help you to overcome your fears and manage anxiety in a helpful way.
We can help
- Social anxiety (fears of being judged negatively)
- Excessive worrying
- Specific phobias
- Panic attacks
- Occupational or family stress
It’s time for you to live according to what you value, not guided by what you fear!
What to expect
Making your first appointment
Once you’ve decided to try therapy, call our kind and caring admin team on (02) 9139 0126 to discuss what you are having difficulty with and book your first appointment.
Attending the initial consultation
In the initial consultation, your therapist is looking to build a picture of how you’ve come to where you are today and what you are looking to get out of therapy. Your therapist will do their best to address any questions or concerns you may have about the process.
Creating a treatment plan together
Over the first three sessions, your therapist will work collaboratively with you to establish goals for therapy. They are designed to be specific, realistic, and tailored to your needs.
Undergoing therapy
As your therapy goes on, you will continue the process of building a trusting relationship with your therapist. You will work with them to find alternative ways of thinking and behaving, build resilience and learn new skills that will help to see yourself and the world differently, and promote helpful actions in life.
Book an appointment today
Ready to see a psychologist?
There can be lots of questions that come up when you’re trying to make a decision about whether to see a psychologist. If you have a question that we haven’t answered in our FAQ, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can call us on (02) 9139 0126 or email info@marsdenpsychology.com.au . Our friendly support team will get back to you within one business day.